Strangely enough, tacky can sometimes be chic. I'm in an a capella group at UVa, and last year one of the girls in the group made us all fun friendship bracelets out of craft beads. Unfortunately, I lost mine in the ocean at Beach Week this past summer, and I was devastated. So when I was at the craft store the other day, I saw some beads, and decided to continue the tradition of these fun little bracelets for the mew girls in the singing group. Paired with cool bangles, these tacky friendship bracelets look hippie-chic. I like.
Difficulty Level: Easy
- Beads
- "Stretch Magic" bead & jewelry cord.
- Scissors
= about five bucks. Plus, with the supplies you can probably make about twenty bracelets or so, plus add to your craft supplies!
1. Cut cord to desired length - leave about two or three inches extra to knot.
2. Tie a double knot about two inches in from the end of the cord so the beads won't slide when you string them.
3. String Beads
4. Keep measuring the beads when you're threading them so you have the desired length for your wrist.
5. Tie double knot at the end of the beading.
6. Tie ends together. The elastic cord is slippery so you might have to play with it to get it to stay together - triple/quadruple knont it!
7. Give to all your friends and be hippie-tacky-chic.